BBQ Food Thermometer

How to have the necessary skills for perfect outdoor barbecue

Outdoor barbecue is an interesting thing. friends sit together, eating barbecue and singing songs, . It is also fun for colleagues to barbecue together. Though the barbecue is delicious, but the preparation work is not simple. Today, I will give you a super detailed barbecue strategy, which may help if you want to go to outdoor barbecue.
1. Selection of charcoal


If you want the barbecue to look good and delicious, you must first start from the original charcoal. Because the special flavor of charcoal grilled food comes from the smell of charcoal grilled food at high temperature, choosing charcoal is the basis for enjoying delicious food. If you are going to make your own barbecue at home, the choice of charcoal is the first important thing. When choosing charcoal, we must not try to be cheap. Some inferior charcoal are even do not burn at all; Others will smoke heavily after burning, polluting food. Charcoal with good quality is generally neat and heavy. Such charcoal burns for a long time and has a good fire. When the charcoal is transparent and hot, spread it flat and bake it. When the surface of the charcoal is not fully burnt, do not bake it in a hurry, as it is easy to stain and blacken the food.

2. Clean the grill

Before grilling food, brush a layer of oil on the grill to avoid food sticking to the grill. Always use an iron brush to remove the residue on the grill and keep the grill clean, so as not to affect the flavor of food. The food tested in this way is not only good-looking, but also delicious.

3. Use of salt

Salt can be used for seasoning. In addition, in the process of barbecue, many fatty foods will drip oil after heating. These oil droplets will be burned by charcoal fire, which will produce a high flame to scorch the food on the grid. If sprayed with water, it will only produce soot to pollute the food. At this time, just sprinkle some salt in the fire to solve the problem.

4. Different ingredients, different baking methods

There are many kinds of food that can be barbecued, but the choice of materials is also very important.

Meat: it must be cooked until it is fully cooked before it can be eaten. Streaky meat with fresh and tender ribs, waist and hips and a little fat meat should be selected, so that the roasted meat will not be too dry.

Beef: beef can be selected, fresh, tender and tough; Beef shoulder meat is the most suitable tender meat for roasting. Neither American beef nor Australian beef should be roasted until fully cooked, which will destroy the freshness and tenderness of the meat.

Chicken: any part is a good material for barbecue. If you dip it in lemonade before barbecue and sprinkle some starch, it will make the meat more fresh and tender.

Seafood: everything is OK, but it must be fresh. Fresh seafood meat is dense and elastic. The curing time of seafood taken out from the refrigerator before barbecue should not exceed 30 minutes. When baking squid roll, brush a thin layer of egg yolk on it to make it more beautiful in color and taste. When grilling clams and fish fillets, it’s best to wrap them in tin foil, so it’s not easy to scorch the fish skin and store delicious soup. Barbecue for about 2 ~ 3 minutes, and the fish fillets are convex, which can be eaten. Sweet or spicy, hot dogs, sausages, etc.: try to use a low fire. In addition to vegetables, it’s best to put them in a tin foil box and barbecue them by smoldering. The hotter the fire, the better.

Vegetables and fruits: mainly rhizomes, mushrooms, vegetables and fruits with less juice and hard texture, such as corn, green pepper, pineapple, banana, etc.

5. Turn over in time

As soon as the food is on the grill, anxious people are always worried that it will scorch and keep turning around. In fact, this prolongs the roasting time, destroys the protein and hardens the meat. When turning and baking food, the food must be heated to a certain extent before it is easy to turn over. If part of the food sticks to the grid after turning over, it means that the protein has not been completely heated. Hard pulling will only tear the protein fiber. If it is a fish, it will form peeling.

6. Replenish water

During the barbecue process, the longer the time, the greater the loss of water and oil, and the drier the taste. Therefore, in the process of barbecue, you should brush an appropriate amount of barbecue sauce on the food to keep the food moist and increase the taste, but be careful not to brush too much at one time, resulting in the food being too salty.

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